Small Space Living Tips: Ultimate Guide to Making Your Home Office

Small spaces are the bane of many people's existence. While some people can turn a tiny room into a functional space that works for their needs, others may need help to make a small space feel like it's worth living in. If you need help with making your home office a space that will boost your productivity, Home Options is here with some tips!

Measure your space.

Your workspace should be big enough to fit your desk, chair, and any other items you need to use while working (include all items that are necessary for your job, like a printer, filing cabinet, desktop, or laptop). You also want to make sure that there is enough room for walking around the desk so that it's not too cramped in there.

Set boundaries.

In making your home office a success, set some boundaries. What do you want your new space to look like? How much money are you willing to spend? When will it be done by? Who else is helping, and what are they responsible for?

These questions may seem obvious, but if they still need to be answered early on, then there's a good chance that the process will spin out of control before it even begins. That's why we've created this handy list of tips and tricks for keeping yourself accountable, as well as creating some structure around the whole thing!

Aside from budget, setting boundaries must also include being able to close the door when you are about to start and when you should be resting.

The last thing you want is crying children and loud noises interfering with your job during a conference call. To ensure required productivity, you must establish boundaries with the rest of your household, both physically and mentally. Set up your home office in a separate room from your children and other family members.

Get a desk that maximizes space.

When it comes to your office space, there are a few things you need to keep in mind. Choose a desk and chair with the right size and shape for your space. Select a desk that fits your needs. If you're using it as an office or home office workstation, consider how much storage space is available underneath or around it--you may need some extra drawers or shelves for papers and files!

Also, think about how high up from floor level your chair should be: try sitting at different heights until one feels better than others (this will vary depending on personal preference).

Choose a chair with support.

When you're sitting at your desk, you'll be in that chair for hours on end. It's important to choose one that is comfortable and supportive.

  • Look for a chair with armrests and a back to support your spine. If you have bad posture, consider a chair that can be adjusted to fit your body type--this could mean adjusting the height of the seat or changing its angle in relation to the desk surface.

  • The seat should also have good lumbar support so that it supports your lower back as well as relieves pressure on areas like hips and thighs when leaning forward over time spent working at an office desk.

Keep your space clean and organized.

  • Keep your desk clear of clutter. Clutter can overwhelm you, leading to stress and even poorer productivity in your workplace environment. If you have papers and other items on your desk that don't belong there, it's time to take action!

  • Use a filing system or bins for storing items such as files or supplies. It allows you to easily access things that are most important without having to dig through piles of stuff every time (which also saves time).

Use noise-canceling headphones.

If you're working in a small space, it's important to make sure that your work area is as quiet as possible. Noise-canceling headphones are a great way to drown out the sounds of the outside world and focus on your task at hand.

They can also be helpful in blocking out distracting noises from your kids' playroom or in their online classes as well.

Whether you work in a noisy neighborhood, join virtual meetings, or travel out of town on occasion, these useful technologies can help filter out extraneous noise and create an environment favorable to focus and productivity.

Style vertically.

If you have a small home office, it's important to maximize your space. Vertical storage is one of the best ways to do this.

Use vertical space like stacking on shelves, use a bookcase for storage, and hang things on the wall with hangers and hooks.

If you have limited floor space in your home office, consider using some of the vertical surfaces to store things that would normally go in drawers or cabinets: bookshelves are great options for storing office supplies and files; hanging organizers will keep papers organized by date or project name; wall-mounted racks can hold hanging files for easy access and neatness.

Ensure good lighting.

A functional workspace requires adequate lighting. For most people, natural light is best--so make sure you keep your window blinds open during the day and close them at night if you want to save money on electric bills. If natural light isn't an option, consider using artificial lights throughout your home office. Use task-specific lamps that direct light where it's needed most--for example: under a desk lamp or floor lamp with adjustable shades; or a ring light if you have virtual presentations.

With these tips, you can make the most of your small office space!

Before you start moving furniture and decorating, it's important to measure your space. This can be as simple as measuring the length and width of your room, or it may require more precise measurements such as those taken from a floor plan. Once you know exactly how much space you have to work with, it will be easier to decide where everything should go and how big each piece should be.

Now you know how to make the most of your home office. It will be a space that feels like setting your mood into a "good day to work," and it can be a place where you can be at your best to achieve your financial goals.

You have many options when it comes to choosing furniture and accessories, so don't feel limited by what we've suggested here! Also, remember that there are plenty of other ways to make use of every inch of space in your home--try some new ideas out on us!